A female master endowed with so many extraordinary qualities like Lama Mumtso is exceedingly precious. One can obtain a glimpse of her power and virtue at the spectacle of the grand empowerment she conferred in 2016 or 2017.
Guidance That Lights the Way to Liberation
This teaching was composed by Lama Mumtso, Jetsünma Mumé Yeshe Tsomo, in response to a request from lamas and monks of Orgyen Mindrolling in 2000.
In this teaching, Lama Mumtso clearly outlines a method to realize the nature of mind. According to her instructions, by purely upholding the precepts of pratimoksha, the vows of bodhisattva, and the samayas of Tantrayana, and on top of that, engaging in listening to, contemplation of, and meditation on the dharma, and further following the pith instructions of noble masters, a practitioner will easily realize the secret nature of his or her mind. Lama Mumtso ascertained that, in order to purify one’s mind stream, one should engage in common, uncommon, and special forms of mind training. Thus one will become a proper vessel for practicing the Great Perfection, which is the ultimate practice of this lineage, as elucidated many times by His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche. Hence, it is of the greatest importance for students of this lineage to follow Lama Mumtso’s guidance presented in this text.

Having thus established a basis of pure ethical discipline,
Focus on the essential meaning of the sutras through study and reflection,
And, with the torch of the key points of noble masters’ pith instructions,
Look into the secret of your mind, the ultimate guide.

Through Lama Mumtso’s incredible power and profound aspirations, numerous sentient beings have obtained the precious opportunity to encounter her and receive her teachings. Listening to, contemplating, and meditating on the dharma is the best way to emulate Lama Mumtso and fulfill her wishes.
Audio Recording (with simultaneous English translation)
The Great Perfection is the pinnacle of the ocean of sutra and mantra.
Generate the power of intense appreciation, aspiration, and diligence
For these instructions for traversing the paths and levels all at once,
And take them to heart with a focus on the essential meaning.
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