Mindfulness in the Age of Media and Technology
In this age of media and technology, while enjoying the benefits it brings us, we are also exposed to the negative impact it can have—negative emotions, mental disorders, information overload, distraction, etc. Here in this talk, Khenpo Sodargye teaches a meditation method to protect us from falling prey to the negativity, while at the same time retaining mindfulness in this age.
How to Detox from Information Addiction?
How to Detox from Information Addiction?
In developed countries today, people in large corporations and universities are adopting meditation as a method to relieve negative emotions. They are realizing that science and technology, which are now reaching the peak of development, cannot really solve problems related to subjective consciousness as they focus more on the study of the objective material world.
So I would encourage you not to indulge too much in the internet and media, but instead if cutting off all sources of information is too much then try to switch off your smartphones for one hour every day and take that one hour to meditate. Or just enjoy a simple life of no internet access, like in the old days, and by observing your minds and actions in such a state, you will gain some inspiration about life and reality.
Be Prepared for Changes in the World
The truth of the world, as taught in Buddhism, says that everything in the world exists as an illusion, like in a dream; in its true nature, everything is emptiness. However, living in this age of internet and media, it’s hard for us to differentiate what is real and what is not as they are so entangled, let alone to realize such a truth. Besides, unlike any other time before, this is an era of rapid change which deprives many people of a sense of security. In such a time it’s very important that we get mentally prepared for changes, whether good or bad, regardless of our identity, as a leader, entrepreneur, or anything else.

The truth of the world, as taught in Buddhism, says that everything in the world exists as an illusion, like in a dream; in its true nature, everything is emptiness. However, living in this age of internet and media, it’s hard for us to differentiate what is real and what is not as they are so entangled, let alone to realize such a truth. Besides, unlike any other time before, this is an era of rapid change which deprives many people of a sense of security. In such a time it’s very important that we get mentally prepared for changes, whether good or bad, regardless of our identity, as a leader, entrepreneur, or anything else.
Be the Change
Be the Change
Within this limited lifetime, we should strive to attain inner peace, and make a contribution to world peace to the best of our ability. When talking about world peace, some might think it too big a subject to be relevant to them. Actually, everyone has a world of their own. Our body can be a world; our residence can be a world, etc. For me, I own a shabby hut in Larung Gar; that is my little world. If we can be caring and create an atmosphere of loving-kindness in our little world, then we are adding peace to the whole world. Without an altruistic mind, it might be hard for us to make the world a better place no matter how much we depend on science.
How to Make the Best Preparation for Changes?
In acknowledging the convenience and positive aspects of media, we need to be aware of and cautious about its negative influence in our lives. Whatever happens, try to stay positive and maintain a calm and peaceful mind. It’s important to maintain such a mindset by observing the nature of our own minds. Just like athletes would become extremely flexible and agile in their body performance through long-term training, if we often train our minds by introspection or meditation, and pay constant attention to the situation of the world at the same time, then we can be always prepared for changes. Without such meditation and observation, we might be taken by surprise and caught unprepared. Therefore, it does matter to train our minds in daily life irrespective of whether we are religious or not.
The Pith Instruction for Easing Suffering
Whatever we encounter in life, try not to grasp onto it too much, as the more we grasp, the more suffering we create for ourselves, and this will further mess things up. Instead, see it as illusory as dreams. As is said by the Buddha,
Like a dream, magical illusion,
bubble, phantom
dewdrop, lightning —
Know all compounded phenomena to be like this.
By reciting this verse often in daily life, we will not grasp too much onto things that happen in our life and thus will not feel so much suffering.

Within this limited lifetime, we should strive to attain inner peace, and make a contribution to world peace to the best of our ability. When talking about world peace, some might think it too big a subject to be relevant to them. Actually, everyone has a world of their own. Our body can be a world; our residence can be a world, etc. For me, I own a shabby hut in Larung Gar; that is my little world. If we can be caring and create an atmosphere of loving-kindness in our little world, then we are adding peace to the whole world. Without an altruistic mind, it might be hard for us to make the world a better place no matter how much we depend on science.
“Through meditation and introspection, we might discover that much information in life, instead of bringing us knowledge or nurturing our mind, is actually delusional and misleading. So, in such a media age, it’s very important to learn how to meditate.”