Meditation in Action
How to meditate while moving? Is it possible to integrate mindfulness into your everyday life? Khenpo Sodargye gave answers to these questions based on the “Meditation in Action” teachings of different Buddhist sects. These teachings deal with meditation practice beyond the traditional confines of sitting meditation, and are especially suitable for people living in modern times.
How Do I Do Meditation in Action?
Excerpt 1: Why Is Meditation so Important to Us?
Meditation is an excellent way to improve our physical and mental well-being. As humans, we are constantly driven by our afflictive emotions of attachment, hostility and ignorance to commit unwholesome actions. Therefore, in order to counter such ingrained afflictive emotions and to attain a peaceful and sound mind, it is essential to practice meditation.
Excerpt 2: How Do I Do Meditation in Action?
Personally for me, the best tool to practice meditation in action, is the prayer beads. I often visualize Avalokiteshvara and recite his mantra, OM MANI PADME HUM while counting the beads.
Excerpt 3: What Is the Power of Mantra?
As a result of reciting the mantras of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas whenever you go about your daily mundane chores, such as washing dishes, your negative emotions of pain, fear, and anxiety will disappear over time.
Excerpt 4: If It Is Truth, Why Not Give It a Try
Even if you don’t believe in the curative power of a medicine, it can still treat your illness. If a certain Buddhist mantra has the power of curing mind’s afflictions, it would be worthwhile to explore it, even though you are not interested in becoming a Buddhist.
Except 5: The Most Important Thing to Do in Our Life
For everyone in cyclic existence, understanding the nature of mind is of utmost importance. Regrettably, most people today occupy themselves with worldly affairs that are illusory and insubstantial. Those who really want to know the nature of the mind are as rare as visible stars in broad daylight.

Why Is Meditation so Important to Us?
Meditation is an excellent way to improve our physical and mental well-being. As humans, we are constantly driven by our afflictive emotions of attachment, hostility and ignorance to commit unwholesome actions. Therefore, in order to counter such ingrained afflictive emotions and to attain a peaceful and sound mind, it is essential to practice meditation.

How Do I Do Meditation in Action?
Personally for me, the best tool to practice meditation in action, is the prayer beads. I often visualize Avalokiteshvara and recite his mantra, OM MANI PADME HUM while counting the beads.
“Meditation in action, which is especially relevant in this modern age as most of us can hardly find time to sit for long hours on the cushion. We can nevertheless practice mindfulness in our ordinary daily activities, be it driving, walking, or working. It is actually quite necessary to apply this dynamic meditation in our everyday life to keep a peaceful mind.”