Meditation Categories Depression

All the Ups and Downs Will Soon Be Worth It

We need to be open and flexible to deal with the difficulties in our own lives. Indeed, the ups and downs of our lives are like the fluctuations of day and night. If we can just hold on, the temporary darkness of the night will recede into day, and the day itself will bring brightness and sunshine.

All the Ups and Downs Will Soon Be Worth It

If we are oriented towards individual benefit rather than others’ well-being, how small our lives will be.

Many college students, although well-educated, are not as broadminded as they could be. Some of them cannot even handle the smallest of issues, and are completely inflexible. This brings great suffering not only to themselves, but also to the people around them. So when we are facing difficulties, we need to have courage and perspective. I have heard that in some universities some students choose to commit suicide when they encounter a rough patch in a relationship or in other areas of their lives. This phenomenon is quite prevalent in other countries. I would imagine the situation is less serious here, since most people have religious faith.

Sometimes, when we encounter problems, it seems there are no possible solutions. However, if we can see the slightest glimmer of hope, we should persevere and work through the difficulties. Because the ups and downs in our life are just like day and night, if we can just hold on, the temporary darkness of the night will recede into day, and the day itself will bring brightness and sunshine. Many people who lose hope and get lost in life do so because they can’t wait for the sun to rise in the morning. In this life we need perseverance and courage. It is my firm hope that our smiles can be long-lasting.