Seven-Point Meditation Posture of Vairochana
This is a step-by-step guidance on how to meditate in the seven-point posture of Variochana. You may follow this instruction to do your meditation every day, and after a certain period of time, you will feel that this posture brings you tranquility and peace.
There are various ways to meditate, and today I’d like to focus on Vairochana’s seven-point posture. Please first sit and cross your legs in the vajra posture, fold your hands in the meditation mudra, keeping your shoulders open and back, your chin tilted slightly forward, while fixing your gaze right at the tip of the nose, and letting your tongue gently touch your palate. If you can sit in this way and meditate, as I just mentioned, this special pyramid posture will bring you tranquility and peace. Let’s just imagine if you lean to one side or if you’re walking around randomly, it would be difficult to feel inner peace. A good meditational posture is a big help to your mind. This can be confirmed by your own practice. This was also taught by Buddha.
Other than this posture, there are many other forms but most of them may not be as efficient in helping us to achieve tranquility. The Vairochana posture has great merits and virtues. Among the many meditational methods we are aware of, either originating from Hindu or other traditions, this method is considered to be the most superior. Therefore it’s advisable that we meditate in this manner.
Now please put your left hand underneath your right hand and sit up straight.
There are seven points to consider:
The 1st point is to sit in the lotus position: it’s better to sit in a full lotus posture, but this is okay.
The 2nd point is to put your hands flat.
The 3rd point is to straighten your spine.
The 4th point is to naturally relax your shoulders.
The 5th point is to slightly tilt your chin, not too far forward or backward.
The 6th point is to rest your eyes by gazing at the tip of your nose.
The 7th point is to let your tongue touch your top palate.
You should try your best to achieve these seven points. It is not advisable to open your eyes too widely or close your eyes completely. You should keep your eyes open naturally and focus your gaze at the tip of your nose. This is how our bodies should be positioned. Now let’s try to keep this posture.
Another way is to rest your hands on your knees, but other than that, everything else is the same. This is called the “Posture of the Resting Mind at Ease in its Natural State.” Now let’s keep our hands flat and not think about anything. Just meditate and observe the nature of your mind. Let’s give it a try.