A Journey to the West
Thirty years ago, in 1993, His Holiness Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche traveled to Europe and North America to share the dharma with people in the West. During this trip, His Holiness bestowed upon the western audience, completely and without reservation, empowerments of all his most renowned termas and also imparted pointing-out instructions on the most profound Dzogchen teachings. Such concise but profound and complete instructions were difficult to obtain even within the Tibetan monastic community. The exceptional wisdom and preeminent realization of His Holiness deeply impressed and influenced a large number of Europeans and Americans.
This year coincides with the 30th anniversary of His Holiness’ visit, and the 20th anniversary of his parinirvana. Considering such a special occasion, Khenpo Sodargye, as a close disciple who accompanied Rinpoche on the trip, compiled His Holiness’ teachings, together with his own recollections, into this new book, A Journey to the West.
In addition, with the wish to enable people in the present time to receive the transmission of the teachings His Holiness gave back in 1993 and to experience Rinpoche’s direct blessing, Khenpo Sodargye began giving teachings on this book in August of 2023. These teachings are now available, with simultaneous translation in both English and Japanese.
Click here to download the eBook.
Click here for the teachings.