Categories Announcement

New Talk Available: Look Inside, Walk Outside—How to Develop Inner Peace While Living in the Modern World

Khenpo Sodargye was invited by Harvard University on November 6, 2017, to give a talk about how to keep calm and live a harmonious life in the modern world. This presentation was special for us who are living in this high speed society.

No matter who you are or where you are from, we all desire for happiness and try to avoid suffering. This modern age is like a double-edged sword; it creates more opportunities and at the same time presents more challenges as well. Anxiety, it almost becomes the middle name for everyone. We are all experiencing the amazing transformation and the most rapid social changes. So on this topic, Khenpo Sodargye will give you some advice to cultivate the right attitude to deal with these challenges, and to live peacefully and harmoniously. As he said in this speech, “Try to be your own master, the secret to a really calm mind is try to control it.”

Videos and transcripts of this talk are available on the page of Look Inside, Walk Outside—How to Develop Inner Peace While Living in the Modern World.